Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth procedure is one of the most known type of oral surgery. Also called third molars, wisdom teeth represent the final set of permanent teeth that people get in their late teens and early twenties. Patient’s health can be endangered by wisdom teeth when:

  • The jaw is too small to hold these molars when these erupt through the gum. This results in forcing the other teeth to realign, which can affect the bite
  • The wisdom teeth do not erupt through the gum and are not in a normal position. As a result, these crowd the roots of other teeth, forcing the other teeth to realign, which can then affect the bite
  • Infection or cavities occur
  • There are lesions (abnormal looking tissue)
  • Due to bone loss around roots

The longer the patient waits to treat any of the above problems, the greater the chance of complications, including pain, damage to surrounding teeth and infections. Moreover, if the wisdom teeth are trapped in the jawbone and untreated, this can result in gum disease.

Though this procedure is common, it still requires the skill of a leading oral and maxillofacial surgeon with experience safely resolving complex wisdom teeth cases, such as our Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Dr. Bagheri. With years of experience and countless successful procedures Dr. Bagheri is an internationally renowned surgeon recognized for his practice and treatments in Atlanta area and across the United States.

Recovery from Wisdom Teeth Procedure

The recovery period after a wisdom teeth procedure will depend on the complexity of the procedure. Patients should expect some form of swelling and pain after the molar has been extracted. This is temporary and the level of pain and swelling will depend on the surgery complexity. However, if the patient follows Dr. Bagheri’s recuperation guidelines, the period of recovery should not be longer than a few days. Amongst the post-operative guidelines & according to the surgery involved, the patient will be advised to ice the area to reduce the swelling, avoid brushing the teeth next to the extraction site, use straws, rinse mouth vigorously and drink certain beverages. For the patient’s comfort and to manage the pain, Dr. Bagheri will also prescribe medication that will be appropriate for the patient’s condition. Contact us if you are interested in learning more about this procedure and we will be more than happy to schedule your consultation with Dr. Bagheri.

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